A proven way to advance your cloud career.

“This challenge was a HUGE hit with prospective employers."

-Tejas B, from help desk to DevOps engineer

Since April 2020, the Cloud Resume Challenge has helped thousands of people

• skill up on cloud,

• improve their career prospects,

• and even land cloud jobs from totally non-tech fields like plumbing, professional poker, and HR.

Now, I’ve packed the top challenge tips, strategies, and resources into one book, so you too can build skills, make connections, and get a cloud job FAST.

“If you want to get your first job in the cloud, there is NO BETTER OFFER right now than Forrest Brazeal’s Cloud Resume Challenge."

-Shawn “swyx” Wang, author of “Cracking the Coding Career”

Get the ebookPeek inside


I used feedback from the 9,000+ member Cloud Resume Challenge Discord community to help you create the ultimate cloud resume-building project.

Choose the AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud edition to get:

200+ pages of tools, tips, and bonus projects for your chosen cloud - revised, updated, and expanded for 2024

Setup and safety steps to protect you from getting hacked or running up an unexpected bill

My six-step, six-week plan for conquering the Cloud Resume Challenge

A detailed challenge walkthrough featuring loads of handpicked learning resources to help you level up on the cloud, programming, and DevOps skills you’ll need

• How to write a challenge blog post that will get the right kind of attention

Three sets of “megamods” - DevOps, Developer, and Security - that build on the core challenge project with even more hands-on practice to help you polish your skills for the job you want

Proven challenge-to-job strategies for both career-changers and upskillers

Case studies from challenge champions: how they got hired, what they learned

“Everyone in the interview loop at Amazon seemed impressed with the range of services used within this one project."

-Jerry M, from respiratory therapist to solutions architect at AWS

AWS Azure Google Cloud